Time evolution of the universe |
According to general relativity, clocks and time can only be defined correctly in the presence of matter. In other words, interaction is an essential ingredient and generator of time. More precisely, the consequence of "static" time is that the universe is static and unchanging for outside observers. Inside, participants perceive the evolution of the cosmos through entanglement. Entanglement triggers interaction (decoherence), which evolves toward polar singularities, called white and black holes. The poles also appear in particular solutions of Einstein's field equations. The gravitational effects of
black holes aided their discovery, but
white holes remain difficult to observe due to negative-curving, bulging fields, which deflect incoming energy, even light. As their names reflect, they might be the source of illusionary light rays, which is a significant challenge to their discovery.
Thanks to string theory, it is becoming widely accepted that the universe has more dimensions than experienced. In string theory, the holographic principle recognizes the horizon's importance as the information depository of a given volume of space (
Susskind, 1994). The holographic principle means that information accumulation of the horizon via interaction turns particles into information-saturated black holes. The Euclidean spatial field, which determines the
highest complexity, applies to our world and for life. Evolution is an ever-increasing complexity that works through the self-organization of matter into stars, planets, and living creatures such as us. The apex of
evolution is the appearance of the still-evolving, brilliant mind, which cannot be a uniquely human quality. Some other planets in some other galaxies necessarily nurture life.
The universe's drive toward complexity is a humbling realization because the most complicated matter known to man is the human brain. Nevertheless, the idea that evolution, including societal progress, is channeled toward complexity and order suggests a shining future for the cosmos' intelligent occupants, including mankind.
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Copyright © 2017 by Eva Deli
The brain is only a reflecting mirror of complexity of our biological system and subjective experience of our sense organs hence we cannot say brain itself is a complex and due to this belief we are not still able to understand brain properly because we will have to understand the interactions of our sense organs that are made of conscious matter.
ReplyDeleteThe human brain is the most complex matter known in existence.
ReplyDelete``The apex of evolution is the appearance of the still-evolving, highly intelligent mind, which cannot be a uniquely human quality. Some other planets in some other galaxies necessarily nurture life``
Matches well with my idea of an ever present ``INTELLIGENT FIELD `` out there.
``The universe’s drive toward complexity is a humbling realization because the most complicated matter known to man is the human brain. The idea that evolution, including societal progress, is channeled toward complexity and order suggests a shining future for the cosmos' intelligent occupants, including mankind.``
Matches well with my idea of a `TRAVELLING COSMIC MIND` that ensures permanent consciousness for all and hence a `Shining Future`
It is reassuring to see similar conclusions from another thinker. Thank you for your feedback.
Deletewhat do you think of this argumentation?
ReplyDeleteLife supervenes the universe. Life tends towards more complexity where as the universe as a whole tends towards more simplicity, culminating in heat death. When simplicity reaches its maximum stage then no more complexity can arise.
Life exists because it continues to exist, the life that cannot and could not continue cease.
The same is and was true of the first molecules that happened to self replicate and continue doing so and those that couldn't didn't. The same might be true for any Complexity in the universe on the microscopic level of fundamental particles.
So, only life that happens to continue to exist will continue to exist, and that through increasing Complexity.
Therefore the meaning of life is to exist, and to continue existing.
To be able to continue to exist, since existence will be impossible in a state of Maximum Simplicity, then life must prevent the heat death.
And since life supervenes the universe one could say that only the universe that can exist and continues to exist continue to exist and as life wants and tries to prevent the heat death life is the random chanse in a universe happening to be able to continue existing.
We have reason to believe heat death is coming and we have no reason to believe that it would 'spontaneoulsy' stop; it stands to reason that only a process extremely complex could possibly prevent it. And as life is the only process we know of that tends towards more complexity only life could possibly prevent it.
What do you think of this reasoning? I have interest in finding if any of our current understanding of physics is incompatible or contradicts this, since I don't have very deep knowledge in that subject
There is a debate about heat death in the universe. Some parts of the universe seem to progress toward complexity (stars produced the heavy elements and gas clouds combined tham into organic matter), which questions the heat death hypothesis.