Past Interviews:
- Living Consciously TV: How Can We Become Super-humans, March 17, 2017
- Living Consciously TV: Interview with Coach Steve Toth March 7, 2017
- Conscious Evolution Media, TV Interview with Coach Steve Toth, October 7, 2016
- Living Consciously TV: What Are Emotions And How To Regulate Them, July 26, 2016
- Conscious Evolution Media, TV Interview with Coach Steve Toth, July 15, 2016
- Conscious Thought with Leo Interview with Magdalena Winkler, February 17, 2016
- Conscious Thought with Leo Interview with Magdalena Winkler, February 3, 2016
- Consciousness as a cosmic phenomenon, Lucca Italy, the Budapest Club meeting (2014).
- The power of emotions, Noon’s Lion’s club meeting in Austin Minesota (October 2018).
- European Neurology Congress, Venice, Italy, 6,19-20, 2019
- The Science of Consciousness, San Diego, California, 2017
- The Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, 2016
- The Science of Consciousness, Helsinki Finnland, 2015
- The Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, 2014
Scientific Publications on Consciousness
My scientific profile on Academia
- Consciousness, a Cosmic Phenomenon—A Hypothesis (2016) JCER, 7(11): 910-930.
- Consciousness inspired AI system. (2017) AISB Quarterly. (145): 1-6
- Deli, E., Peters, J., and Tozzi, A., (2017) Relationships between short and fast brain timescales. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 11: 539.
- Tozzi, A., Peters, J. and Déli, E (2017) Towards plasma-like collisionless trajectories in the brain. Neuroscience Letters.
- Peters, J., Tozzi, A. and Déli, E (2017) Towards equation of brain dynamics and the concept of extended connectome sci. fed J neuro Sci. 1:2
- Tozzi, A., Peters, J., James, C. and Déli, E. (2017) Multidimensional chaotic dynamics and entropies The Scientific Journal of Information Science, 1(1):10-19
- Deli, E., Peters, J., and Tozzi, A., (2018) The Thermodynamic Analysis of Neural Computation. J Neurosci Clin Res 3:1.
The Science of Consciousness Post:
- Consciousness Post about the danger of insecurity and the hope in the flexibility of intellect 2/11/19
- Consciousness Post offers a global view of cosmos, a modern approach in medicine, and how diet might prevent Alzheimer. 12/09/18
- Consciousness Post presents an interview with best selling author Dr. Eben Alexander and a bird-eye view of the cosmos 11/5/2018
- Consciousness Post on the formation of the cosmos and my interview with Dr. Matthew Welsh, founder of Spiritual Media Blog. 9/9/2018
- Consciousness Post introduces the emotion project, which aims to increase awareness about emotion regulation. 08/06.2018
Special opportunity to receive your personal copy of my book, 'The Science of Consciousness.' 07/04/2018
- Consciousness Post on the physics of time and the role negative emotions can play in achieving mental excellence 04/28/2018
- The Science of Consciousness Post on the energy value of stimulus and the introduction of my upcoming book on emotions 03/24/2018
- The Science of Consciousness Post on a quantum computer based on the brain and news about my upcoming book 02/22.2018
- The Science of Consciousness Post reports about an upcoming book, shares a video on the cosmos and a post on depression 01/22/2018
- The Science of Consciousness Post about the foundation of the cosmos and the possible quantum features of cognition 05/17/2017
- The Science of Consciousness Post about the holographic principle and about emotions as the energy states of the brain 04/19/2017
- The Science of Consciousness Post about the nature of time and how we feel the effects of all the masses in the universe 03/16/2017
- The Science of Consciousness Post about the unity of the cosmos and the power of emotions to motivate 02/17/2017
- The Science of Consciousness Post A new angle on string theory, which relates to a new vision of consciousness 01/18/2017
- The Science of Consciousness Post considers space and the role of emotions in motivation 12/21/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post about the unity of the cosmos and the evolutionary role of emotions 11/16/2016
- Newsletter #12 The Science of Consciousness Post about the scientific progress and the way conscious operation leads to investment bubbles 10/17/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #11: The Science of Consciousness Post about the new understanding of space and time; The current state of consciousness research; Interview about the nature and place of consciousness. 09/24/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #10: The Science of Consciousness Post about great transformations of the twentieth century and the surprising power of physics in predicting behavior. 08/17/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #9: The Science of Consciousness Post about the fleeting nature of time within the cosmos and the danger of negative emotions in our lives. 07/20/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #8: The Science of Consciousness Post about the nature of time and why we resort to passive aggression. 06/15/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #7: The Tucson consciousness conference and the territorial needs of mammals and bird. 05/18/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #6: The birth of the cosmos and unpredictable behavior. 04/20/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #5: The birth of the universe and how to can enhance creative success. 03/16/2016
- The science of consciousness Post #4: Celebrating human ingenuity as gravitational waves have been observed for the first time. 02/17/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #3: The organic unity of the cosmos and why we have so little control over our emotions. 01/20/2016
- The Science of Consciousness Post #2: The testing of string theory and the power of emotions. 12/22/2015
- The Science of Consciousness Post #1: The feasibility of a coherent worldview and the evolution of emotions. 12/09/2015
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