Friday, March 6, 2020

Is the cosmos infinite or discrete?

Is the cosmos infinite or discrete? Currently, physics cannot decide this question. Establishing a solution to this question has ramifications for our understanding of the cosmos, theoretical physics, pure mathematics, and even programming. 

The answer is related to dimensionality. In mathematics, the number of dimensions reflects the number of independent characteristics you can adjust. In quantum mechanics, every possible position of the electron defines a different state space, but holographic spaces, such as black holes, have a limited description.

Is the cosmos infinite or discrete? Separating a compact space from the universe by an information blocking horizon gives rise to a wave function, i.e., the particles. Compact dimensions define the wave function's discrete frequencies. Insulation of the wave function frees the particle from gravity, which permits entanglement. The waves can form fluid-like behavior, such as interference and entanglement. For example, interference occurs as ripples combine on the surface of a pond.

The universe is in constant change. Interaction switches the rates of oscillations of the compact dimensions, but it also changes the volume of space (Figure 1). The universe acts like a giant clock, with the compact dimensions forming its small hand. Gravity is the big hand, which indicates our distance from the poles (white and black holes); we are located at about halfway between the poles (Figure 2). The answer to the question in the title is both discrete and infinite! When viewed within gravity regions, the universe is discrete, but it expands into infinity within white holes (the cosmic voids). 
Figure 2. Compact dimensions are separated from the space top; interaction changes the volume of space around entangled particles. Interaction changes the shape of space and forms the smooth topology of gravity. 

Figure 2. The horizontal lines indicate the compact dimensions. Energy levels are increasing, but frequencies are decreasing from the top toward the bottom. Interaction changes the gravity (S shape) between the poles of the universe (black holes and white holes). 

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