Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Nerve Net, the First Step in the Nervous System's Evolution


Comb jelly internal representation The nerve net is marked purple. Two kinds of nerve cells — sensory cells (light blue) and mesoglea neurons (yellow) exist outside the nerve net. Image credit: PAWEL BURKHARDT AND MAIKE KITTELMANN

Animals use active processes to obtain nutrients for their biological needs. Movement is supported by the nervous system, made up of individual neurons. The nervous system transmits signals between the sensory and motor system, allowing the ability to sense, move, breathe, and feed. The transmission of signals occurs via tiny gaps between neurons, where chemical or electrical signals transfer nerve impulses in one way. The electrical synapse is a cell association between two nerve cells where ions are used to transmit nerve impulses rapidly. In the latter case, neurons release chemicals that must travel across this gap to stimulate the post-synaptic receptors.

Recent work has shown that Comb jellies have a cobweb of neurons rather than synapses, with a unique, fused structure pictured above. These ancient animals are called comb jellies because they swim using rows of beating, hairlike combs. Comb jellies fused nerve net represent long, stringy neurons sharing a cell membrane. Comb jellies or ctenophores are similar to jellyfish. Still, the enigmatic phylum is one of the earliest, perhaps the most ancient animal group, to branch off the animal tree of life.

Reference article:

P. Burkhardt et alSyncytial nerve net in a ctenophore adds insights into the evolution of nervous systems. Science. Vol. 380, April 21, 2023, p. 293. Doi: 10.1126/science.ade5645.

The Science of Consciousness Post, your news about the mind
The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2023 by Eva Deli

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Therapeutic use of Psychedelics for depression

The use of psychedelics, such as LSD and psilocybin, has a long history of being associated with counterculture and pursuing transcendent experiences. However, there has been a growing recognition of these substances' therapeutic potential, particularly in treating mental health conditions such as depression and PTSD. Specifically, psychedelic drugs' potential for treatment-resistant depression therapy occurs through receptors that promote new brain cell connections.

While psychedelics provide mystical and even profound experiences, most of those experiences are not drastically different but involve observing the world around us in a new and different way. Recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary is a form of wisdom that can help us find meaning in the seemingly insignificant moments of our everyday lives and cultivate gratitude and contentment. Transcendence and enlightenment can be achieved by recognizing the potential for profound insight and understanding are present in every moment. True wisdom can be found in the most commonplace experiences without mind-altering substance use.

Therefore, a better understanding of psychedelics' mechanism of action could lead to related therapeutic potential without hallucinogenic effects. Moreover, appreciating everyday moments can help us have happier and more meaningful lives without the help of psychedelics.

The Science of Consciousness Post, your news about the mind
The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2023 by Eva Deli

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

How could science be different?


A government-administered grant system provides the lion's share of funds for scientific research. In the grant system, the government pays for the study, salaries, supply and equipment costs, travel, and publishing. Indirect costs cover building maintenance, depreciation, and library materials. The generous grant system increased the number of scientists and created an independent research culture. It also spurred an unprecedented scientific renaissance in the twentieth century with significant discoveries in practically every field. In addition, the fierce competition to analyze a particular subject in greater detail led to discoveries in many fields, e.g., molecular biology, DNA structure, and the Standard model in physics. Even today, new information continually emerges about the inner workings of biological systems, gene editing, and the structure of the states of matter.

Nevertheless, recent findings suggest that top researchers are increasingly unhappy with the status quo. Rather than an objective measure of quality or scientific merit, grant awards are often a contest of craftsmanship, where investigators write research proposals designed to please grant review committees. There is a hidden drive toward safe science, as proposals with predictable outcomes are more likely to receive funding. Funding uncertainties also channel academic careers toward "popular" research areas.

Therefore, financial support is a double-edged sword. As it gave rise to a robust scientific community, it created a conservative scientific hierarchy. Anchoring professional careers to accepted beliefs turns people antagonistic to meaningful change. Therefore, top researchers need to be more satisfied with the grant writing process and the subjectivity of evaluation. On the other hand, the future of science depends on scientists' ability to bring science into public conversation. Because taxpayers fund the grant system, the public should have the opportunity to see the results of their tax money. Therefore, institutions accepting various public funds should host regular Open University events. An Open University event presents scientific progress in a conference format, enabling scientists and the public to familiarize themselves and engage in current research. This program should ease the persistent skepticism of science and the tendency for conspiracy theories. For example, Open University events could have made the public more favorable to the vaccine rollout during the Covid 19.

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The Science of Consciousness Post, your news about the mind
The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2023 by Eva Deli