Wednesday, June 17, 2020

An experimental test to confirm the fermionic mind hypothesis.

The fermionic mind hypothesis (FMH) recognizes that the conscious brain is a self-regulating system. Sensory perception is an energy/information exchange with the environment, which generates mental changes. Intelligent responses to stimulus require that the mind adopts the physical laws for its operation. This is the main idea of the fermionic mind hypothesis. You can test the hypothesis for yourself in the comfort of your own home. You should not experiment if your emotional or physical wellbeing can be in danger. (Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for emotional discomfort or injuries triggered by this experiment.)

The experimental setup:
A well-defined emotional distance characterizes every relationship, which is regulated by emotions with great precision. Although it is difficult to test the emotional distance, you can easily measure its changes, extending and shortening it, like Tuffy candy. Perceived changes trigger a strong reaction to restore normalcy. 

Your experimental subject must be a person (or a pet) close to you emotionally. The test manipulates the distance between you and a loved one or a trusted friend in a relatively short time. Therefore, if you refrain from dramatic actions, this will not cause long-term damage to the relationship. There are two possible versions of the experiment.

1, Reduce the emotional distance. To achieve this, you have to seek closeness, such as romance, giving favors and gifts more than usual. On the other hand, at the moment your subject indicates a need for separation (you will notice his attempt to push you away), reverse your attitude toward them by acting cold and indifferent.

2. Increase the emotional distance. You will have to act cold and ignorant toward your subject. As soon as your partner attempts to reverse the situation by favors and trying to be "nicer," reverse the course by being warm and affectionate.  

Evaluate the results of your experiment. In maintaining the emotional distance between the two of you, your mind performed an everyday miracle. It gradually modified both partners' feelings and attitudes to keep your relationship balanced. How did your feelings change? How did the behavior of your partner change? Congratulations, you achieved an empowering outside view of yourself and your relationship.  

Read the resource article in Activitas Nervosa Superior.

Read the article on Academia. or on ResearchGate.

The book on Amazon                                          My mailing list                     

The Science of Consciousness Post, your news about the mind
The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2020 by Eva Deli

Saturday, June 13, 2020

What is the Fermionic Mind Hypothesis?

Journal cover

The Activitas Nervosa Superior published a new manuscript, "Can the Fermionic Mind Hypothesis (FMH) Explain Consciousness? The Physics of Selfhood."

Biological systems must adapt to their environment. The ability to balance and produce intelligent responses depends on a precise mental model of the environment. The superb adaption of the physical laws means that quantum mechanics describes our psychology, such as decision-making. Comparison processes,  the central pillars of intellect, are also utilized by artificial intelligence: Alphazero can learn by comparing game outcomes. The mind's predictive intelligent processing is equivalent to the temporal equivalent of stationary action in physics. As material systems observe the principle of least action when moving in space, biological systems optimize their action repertoire between the past and the future. 

Access to air, water, food, and mating modulates behavior between urgency and relaxation. Conscious focus is not under conscious control but is the function of motivation. We cannot suppress our thoughts or our emotions, nor can we turn them off at will. We say things we do not mean, lie, and commit a crime because we are slaves to our emotions. The failure to consciously guide behavior leads to remorse, shame, and regret. Nevertheless, conscious attention represents just the visible surface of the particle-like isolation of the mental content. 

Despite dramatic changes in perception, field effects maintain a conscious continuum from infancy to old age. Qualia's unique, intractable qualities remain intimately linked with the self. The introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of the mind are at the very heart of the mind-body problem. The fermionic mind hypothesis (FMH) recognizes that the mind is a self-regulating system that forms the smallest unit of intellect; consciousness is an awareness of being separate from the environment.

Why is it important?
Understanding consciousness is the next great frontier in the sciences. Recognizing the energy nature of emotions can provide tools for people to achieve their human potential and nspire new, effective treatments for mental diseases, such as depression. Understanding how the mind works can inspire new types of quantum computers and deep learning systems.

Read the resource article in Activitas Nervosa Superior on Researchgate or Academia.

The book on Amazon                                          My mailing list                     

The Science of Consciousness Post, your news about the mind
The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2020 by Eva Deli