The incompatibility of string theory, quantum mechanics, and general relativity suggests we are missing a good world model. However, separating the cosmos into compact dimensions by an information-blocking horizon opens a possibility for coherence. Because an information-blocking horizon isolates particles into standing waves (Figure 1), interaction becomes an energy/information exchange with space. Thus, interaction modifies spatial volume (Figure 2).
Figure 1. The proposed view of ‘space-time.’ The compact dimensions (horizontal lines) are isolated by an information-blocking horizon, limiting particles into discrete frequencies. Interaction is an energy–information exchange between the micro and macro-dimensions. Thus, the field, which forms the smooth topology of space and the particle wave function, evolves parallel.
Every interaction modifies space and the particle. Information accumulation generates time (Figure 1, horizontal lines). The insulation of the wave function leads to quantum phenomena, such as entanglement and the double-slit experiment. It is also the source of cosmic self-regulation and the parallel evolution of the wave function and the field curvature. The micro-dimensions form a closed minimal surface (Figure 1), but entanglement enhances curvature differences (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Volume changes in entangled particles b, Particle before entanglement a) Spin-down, c) Spin-up particle.
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