Monday, July 27, 2015

The science of consciousness: the bridge between science and spirituality

Meditation in Sri Lanka by Sarvodaya Shramadana

It is an ancient desire to grasp and understand the universe. The hypothesis introduced by the book,'The Science of Consciousness,' incorporates the mind within cosmic evolution. It examines complexity increase via material interaction, culminating in the intelligent mind. It is a cosmic unity that resonates with ancient intuition but is based on recent scientific research.

The book concludes that three elementary particle classes form the foundation of the universe. These elementary particles are the matter fermions (such as the electron), the mind, and the cosmos. Their identical energy structures and analog operational principles form a fractal structure of vastly different energy levels and sizes. The smallest are material fermions; their immense frequencies provide massive energy levels. Fermions make up the luminous fireballs of stars and the organic matter of biological organisms. The second, lesser energy-producing level is the mind. In contrast to matter, which takes shape in space, the mental world (minds, societies, or ecosystems) exists in time. Finally, the largest structure is the universe, encompassing everything in space and time. Therefore, the universe organizes space and time with gentle wisdom.  

The hypothesis outlines an Aristotelian complexity: an organic, interconnected universe. It is also congruent with Hinduism, where Atman is the individual Self, and Brahman is the Ultimate Reality, the divine essence of the universe. Atman (the inner Self inside man) and the Brahman, the whole universe is one. In monotheistic faiths, the cosmos is honored as God, and Man was created in His image. 

It also recognizes the karmic consequences of actions. The negative attitude mind is overwhelmed by details. Unable to see clearly, it is biased, judgmental, and controlled by the environment (making it matter-like). Only the positive attitude mind has free will (making it God-like), the wisdom to accept objective reality. However, the positive attitude mind has no incentive or motivation to seek change. 

The hypothesis recognizes time as information and introduces the theory of gravity and emotions. Its new vision of evolution has implications for social sciences and economics.

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The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2015 by Eva Deli

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Change your motivation to boost your mental potential

The author

The biological brain gives rise to the physical mind. The basis of mental regulation occurs through interaction with the environment, which leads to energy and information exchange. Interaction triggers energy imbalances, so-called emotions, which trigger actions that recover the neutral state. Thus, the environment regulates animal behavior (such as mammals and birds) by triggering appropriate emotions, which produces actions that extinguish those emotions. Emotions integrate the brain (and the organism) seamlessly into its environment. 

Orienting in time, the mind interprets stimulus as a binary code, either past or the future. The emotional history forms the mind's temporal landscape. The new is based on the promises and possibilities in unsecured, unknown situations, which can even be threatening. But they can also come with opportunities, such as food or find a mate. The past corresponds to the need for safety and security, which can lead to boredom. Therefore, both the future and the past can trigger both positive and negative emotions. From mice to whales and humans, mental regulation is based on these basic orientations—positive or negative attitude.

Negative emotions are the tools of destruction, whereas positive feelings are the success generators of the mind. However, even positive feelings can produce emptiness and superficiality, which mitigates failure. Inversely, negative emotions can be turned around, producing mental brilliance and successThis complexity gives rise to perplexing real-life examples: promising young talents ending as a miserable failure and inauspicious beginnings leading to spectacular success. This way, the individual creates his own history. 

Therefore, attitude via positive or negative emotions is a fundamental personal success component. Goal orientation is an imaginary mental compass that moves toward the future by automatically supplying an appropriate attitude in any situation. Even rats remember location clues better when working toward a goal. In human subjects, the motivation to obtain rewards reduces conflict-related activation, thereby enhancing performance. Icomputer simulation studies, a goal-oriented effort was a superior success method (Wissner-Gross and Freer, 2013). Working through adverse circumstances produces confidence, the mental capital for resolve, and motivation toward success. Inversely, belief permits goal-oriented work. 

A more detailed explanation for some of these and other questions about the mind can be found in the book, The Science of Consciousness

The Science of Consciousness Post, your news about the mind
The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli

Copyright © 2017 by Eva Deli

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The four step plan for creative success

Raphael: The School of Athens (Plato)

We live in a century of immense change. Yesterday's answers cannot resolve the problems we face. Creativity especially shows a close correlation between professional achievement and leadership. However, creativity is vital to improving work performance and is essential in solving everyday problems of our increasingly complex lives. Creativity is a productive lifestyle that enhances the quality of life overall. Although intelligence measures show a gradual increase due to positive social and technological environments, the trend is different for creativity.

Creativity requires alternating between divergent and convergent thinking, culminating in the aha moment and making a discovery pleasurable. Although arbitrary creative ideas happen to anybody, it takes systematic preparation to achieve mental excellence, which is essential to achieve long-term creative success. There are four crucial elements of creativity. 

(1)  Understand the problem. Knowing the crux of the contradiction or the problem is necessary to create or find a solution. However, too many details can be confusing and misleading. Your insight of the problem must be to the point, sharp as a needle, to puncture the perceived resistance of the difficulty.

(2)  Accept the place where you are. Creativity is not linear progress. Most often, creative solutions come to those not positioned well in the organization or even those outside. The lower you find yourself compared to your expectations, the better you are set for a breakthrough.

(3)  Be immersed in the problem. All creative people have a hundred percent mental commitment. They cannot be disturbed! Whereas environmental disturbances disrupt most people, creative minds thrive in stressful situations, further sharpening their resolve toward the goal.

(4) Keep a light disposition. Children do not feel inhibited by expectations or social pressure. Their genuineness allows them to see the essence of things with creative potential. Playful activities possess inner freedom, which is conducive to creativity. Eliminating shaming, criticism, and pressure will allow creative instincts to flourish.

This last point is essential. Mental commitment is not a forceful and rigid concentration; creative people do not seem to work on the problem at all! Einstein often received creative inspiration while chatting with friends or engaging in mundane activities. Mozart enjoyed light-hearted partying with friends, but he could 'see' a whole symphony in a creative moment. 

Creativity visits a straightforward, playful mind: live with a clear conscience. Go for a walk; focus on a mantra or meditation to liberate your mind from a negative mindset. Mental house cleaning will often immediately create space for a creative solution. Keep going even if you receive an unworkable, faulty answer at first. If you are persistent and optimistic, innovative solutions will visit you.

Creativity cannot be planned for but can be cultivated. 

My handbook, The Power of Joy, gives you the tools and advice to liberate yourself from negativity.

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The Science of Consciousness, please join the discussion
Website: evadeli
Copyright © 2017 by Eva Deli

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Black holes: science and imagination

File:BlackHole Lensing.gif
Simulated black hole (Wikipedia) 

Black holes are a favorite subject not only in science but also in the popular imagination. Their mysterious nature is twofold. First, black holes are ‘black,’ therefore invisible, second, their horizons form a singularity, beyond which even physics is unknowable. For this reason, black holes easily lend themselves to bizarre ideas. Black holes originated as a consequence of Einstein’s general relativity, although it was a mathematical conclusion reached by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916. For a long time not only the interpretation of Schwarzschild's solution was missing, but black hole detection was also a technical impossibility. Today black holes are the subjects of films, and scientific speculation, connected by supposed wormholes to distant worlds, entangled particles, lost information. 

Black holes form by the gravitational collapse of extremely dense matter. In the last stage of black hole formation, a horizon develops, which irreversibly separates it from the rest of the universe. However, these ideas have been called into question recently. Almheiri and colleagues (2012) examined black hole entanglement and found that black hole horizons function as firewalls, burning up any unwitting trespasser. This conclusion is supported by Landauer's principle, which states a thermodynamic connection between energy and information. Since black holes are information-saturated, they would be devoid of energy. This way, incoming particles would have to transform all energy into information.
As a consequence, black holes are the end of time, matter, and all existence. Nothing more than their information-saturated horizon, black holes cannot be approached. This way black holes can be likened to the fabric of a balloon, formulating the outer boundary of the universe.

This way, there is no possibility of wormholes in and around the black holes. Although the suggestion, that black holes are gateways to other universes is exciting, it is also without any scientific validity. Like the banks of a river that contain the body of water, black holes seem to merely enclose the universe. As the riverbed can inform about the past of a river, black hole horizons are information depositories, although inaccessible, about the history of the cosmos.

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