Image credit: CERN for the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Image credit: CERN for the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
My latest paper connects basic research in neuroscience with psychobiology, clinical diagnostic, and therapeutic insights. Sensory processing can increase or decrease synaptic complexity and cognitive potential. Thus, we can calculate the energy associated with intellect.
Positive psychology recognizes the close relationship between social climate and resource availability. The social environment is an effective determinant of the behavior of animals and people. In the late nineteenth century, the Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin studied species from bacteria and fish to mammals and birds in various supply settings. A biological richness and supply abundance allow ants, bees, falcons, swallows, gazelles, buffalos, herds of wild horses, tribes of dogs, wolf packs, and communities of people to form cooperation and generosity. Positive environments encourage generosity and collaboration by supporting security, trust, and confidence. Desirable population structures promote cooperation.
However, generosity disappears when the reduction of supplies reaches a tipping point. Defections sweep through the population, causing animals and people to abandon charity. The lack of resources inflicts a cognitive burden, negatively affecting IQ in people. The poor's lack of generosity originates in mental exhaustion rather than personality defects. The above considerations also explain poverty's role in negative personality transformations. Personal uncertainty can lead to conspiracy theories, terrorism, and crime. Moreover, the insecurity manifests as a widespread distrust of governments, public institutions, and even science. Therefore, basic social safety promotes security and improves cognitive performance.
Read the whole article in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.