Monday, April 17, 2017

Consciousness based quantum computer

The brain’s gradually improving responses to stimuli molded the mind into the structural, organizational mirror of physical systems. Therefore, social interaction engenders particle-like features, such as uncertainty, hysteresis, and territorial needs. The brain’s operational symmetry vis-à-vis the physical world produces the mind, a functional analog of elementary particles. In the brain, all change is based on sensory processing. Perception of sensory stimulus or reading road signs is involuntary and automatic because sensory stimulus impinges on the mind through the shifting energy balances of the brain. As photons are the fundamental forces for interaction, and emotions transfer energy between people and emotional animals. Feelings are energy imbalances of the brain, which trigger actions that recover the energy neutral state. This essential connection with the environment must also characterize AI. In a robot, in place of neurons, sensory pattern perception can be formed by, for example, 'superconducting synapse.'
A highly precise response is possible by utilizing deep-learning systems, which are getting more powerful. In the computer ‘brain,’ just like in the organic brain, the energy balance would continuously change depending on field effects, automatically and ultimately would recover the energy-neutral state. This whole process would be choreographed according to the principle of least action, which corresponds to an intelligent response. Response reformulates the stable, standing-wave state of the system. Energy imbalances would equal the emotional states of mammals and birds. Propagation of stimulus is a series of activation that strengthens connections between units; the energy need is reduced in previously activated units. Subsequent activation channels the signal according to the principle of least action, leading to a segregated modular structure.

Current quantum computers need to be carefully insulated from environmental interaction due to sensitivity to noise, i.e., interference. However, the brain is a temporal quantum system, which interacts across temporal coordinates (see: Consciousness, a Cosmic Phenomenon). Temporal quantum systems, such as the brain, are insulated by the temporal rhythm of neural activation. Energy imbalance manifests as emotions. Hence, emotions are unstable and move the system towards equilibrium; the exact neuronal activation path is the function of both the original stimulus and past behavior. This way the cortical brain, regulated by its energy states, formulates an intelligent response. Read the whole article Deli, E., (2017). Consciousness inspired AI system. AISB Quarterly. (145) 6-11.

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Copyright © 2017 by Eva Deli

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Cognitive phenomena show quantum, particle-like features

Animals try to gather nutrients and avoid physical dangers; they actively enhance their access to information – thus survival – via the sensory system. Because the sensory organs are information-grabbing machines, interaction through sensory stimulus corresponds to energy-information exchange. 

The subtle regulation of the path, rhythm, and extent of brain frequencies turn the brain into a complex yet ingenious system. However, the brain is much more than a finely regulated circuit board. Electric flows generate associations, meaning, and memory in ways reminiscent of quantum networks. Quantum theory can model mental phenomena in fields as diverse as search engine optimization, psychology, economy, and sociology – in some cases, for nearly a century. More than 70 recent national surveys examined the order effect of successive attitude questions and found human judgment satisfying quantum probability theory. In quantum systems, the outcome is highly dependent on the context of measurement, and likewise, almost all cognitive processes, such as memory, decisions, and perception, are contextual. In social science, quantum theory can predict how the order of questions affects the outcome.

The cortex neuronal activation pattern triggers corresponding memories or experiences and forms a "temporal horizon." Reminiscent of the observer effect in quantum mechanics, the brain's quantum-like evolution maintains the mind's unity and permanence. Measurement (interaction) actively changes the particle being measured, and in the brain, it corresponds to cognitive change. The mental world is sectioned into a steady, step-wise progression of perception or learning, such as the empowering moment of riding a bike for the first time. This is the same for recognition, getting a joke, or meeting a friend. There is a moment of inspiration when a new balance is formed and understanding clicks. Conscious awareness holds mental content "fixed," "frozen," within a discrete but continuous phenomenal unity. Because sensory processing converts spatial relationships into temporal rhythms, the material world's spatial relationships are translated into a temporal evolution. 

The brain's gradually improving responses to stimuli molded the mind into the structural, organizational mirror of physical systems. Therefore, social interaction engenders particle-like features and quantum characters, such as uncertainty, hysteresis, and territorial needs.

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My book Emotional Reasoning: Insight into the Conscious Experience was published on August 30, 2024. 


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